Manglier Tea Testimonials - the FIRST AND ORIGINAL Manglier Tea Company

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The FIRST AND ORIGINAL Manglier Tea Company
My grandfather's grandfather said the old manglier tree would cure the plague and virus.
(Mrs. Clara B., Mallet, Louisiana - 2014.)

We always knew Manglier Tea cured fever, flu, colds, congestion, made you sweat at night,
and tastes horrible - but IT WORKED?
Instructions for Preparing
Manglier Tea

Methods of preparing traditional herbal remedies from Manglier Tea
Infusion: an infusion is generally like making a cup of tea. Boil 32 parts of water (by volume), remove from heat and steep one part (by volume) of the herb in the water for 20-30 minutes.  Strain and drink warm or cold. This is approximately 1 level teaspoon of dried herb per teacupful of water.

Decoction: combine 32 parts of water with one part of dried herb (by weight), bring slowly to a boil, continue to boil for 10 to 20 minutes, cool until warm and strain. Pour additional water through the herb to return the volume to 32.


STEP 1: Fill a tea ball with Manglier Tea leaves.

STEP 2: Heat water to 175 degrees Fahrenheit.

STEP 3: Place your tea ball filled with Manglier Tea leaves in your tea cup.

STEP 4: Pour the heated water over the tea and steep for 2 to 3 minutes to taste (if left longer than 3 minutes, bitterness will emerge).

What is Manglier Tea?
“A tea made from the leaves is also useful in treating most respiratory problems
as well as fever and stomach cramps.” Source:
“Human knowledge of medicinal plants has been declining for hundreds of years as healers die with no record of their knowledge. Despite this trend, more than 70% of the world’s population still relies mainly on traditional herbal medications. (Farnsworth and Soejarto 1991; King. 1996)

For inflamed kidneys and fever boil Mangliner Tea and drink the water three times a day.

For “flu” Boil three Manglier Tea roots. Reduce the liquid by half, and add a good drink of whisky. Drink three cups without stopping.”
The FIRST AND ORIGINAL Manglier Tea Company
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